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1990 - 1999

During the 90s, Pittsburg State University gained two new facilities. In 1995, the Gene Bicknell Sports Complex was completed and in 1997, the Kansas Technology Center opened its doors for the first time. The Kansas Technology Center was able to be built due to a $6 million fund appropriation in 1990 from senator Robert Dole that was to be used to expand the technology program and facilities at the university. Also, in 1995 the university received a $600,000 organ known as Fisk Opus 106.

Students and faculty showing support of American solders involved in Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

At the beginning of 1996, Dr. John Darling replaced Donald Wilson as President of Pittsburg State University. During Darling’s presidency, there was the addition of a December commencement ceremony, and many renovation projects were initiated, including one on Russ Hall. Darling retired from his presidency in early 1999 and was replaced on July 1st by Dr. Tom Bryant.

The dedication of the Kansas Technology Center on October 24th, 1997.