
of Pittsburg State University

Paranormal Sightings on Campus

Listed below are some of the collected stories from students, faculty, and staff of their experiences with paranormal entities here on the
Pitt State campus.
grubbs hall

The Ghost of Grubbs

One worker states that on a Saturday morning, he was alone in the Grubbs basement and head a door open and close behind him. Thinking it was a fellow coworker, he turned only to be confronted by a humanoid figure with no facial features passing through the hall. While the worker could see the figure moving, it did not appear to be walking. As the worker went to find the figure, he realized there was no one else in the basement.

technology center

The Ghost of the KTC

Legend says that a half transparent ghost professor has been seen wandering the halls of the Kansas Technology Center, moaning and rattling chains, looking for students messing around. To get rid of this professor, one must begin to do work.

mccray hall

The Ghost of McCray

The infamous McCray ghost is known to play the organ located in the building. One sighting of this ghost was in 1979 when two students were waiting in the building to be picked up after a marching band trip. These students heard the organ playing on the 3rd floor and when they went up to investigate, the music stopped and no lights were turned on. These students did not see anyone else in the building that night.

russ hall

The Ghost of Russ

One can find the ghost of Rex Tanner wandering the halls of Russ in 20th century clothing. Tanner was a student who passed away while trying to help save the building during the Russ fire of 1914.