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1960 - 1969

With the 1960s came the additions to many new buildings on campus. In 1962, Hughes Hall opened, then in 1964, seven new dorms, Yates Hall, and a new classroom addition to Russ Hall were finished, in 1966, the Timmons Chapel was completed, and finally in 1968, the new Grubbs Hall opened its doors. These new buildings helped to alleviate the issue of overcrowded classrooms on campus.

Memorial observance for President John F. Kennedy held on Novermber 25th, 1963.

In 1965, Axe left the presidency and was replaced by President George Budd. Then in 1966, three new schools were created on campus: the schools of Arts and Sciences, Education, and Technology, along with twenty-one academic departments. It was also during this time that the Pitt Peppers ended their involvement on campus.

Campus police officer on new motorcycle in 1965.