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1950 - 1959

The beginning half of this decade brought about the start of construction of many new buildings on campus. In 1955, the new Greenhouse’s construction was completed. Then in 1957, President Hughes retired, and President Leonard Axe was appointed. With President Axe’s appointment, the college’s emphasis on teaching began to fade and in 1959, the college removed “Teachers” from its name and became the Kansas State College of Pittsburg.

An aerial view of campus in 1953.

With the change in name of the college, the Pep Club also changed. It soon became known as the Pitt Peppers and transitioned into being an all-female organization. Members of the Pitt Peppers were required to attend every athletic game and participate in halftime. The Pitt Peppers were the prerequisite to the election of cheerleaders on campus.

A pair of students washing their hair in a sink in 1953.