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1910 - 1919

With the increases in enrollment and the building of Russ Hall, Principal Russ began openly campaigning for the separation of the Kansas State Manual Training School from the State Normal School in Emporia. Principal Russ introduced a bill in 1911 to the state legislature that would separate the two schools, but this bill ultimately failed to pass the house. The 1910-1911 school year would ultimately be Russ’ last, due to the Kansas Board of Regents removing Russ from his position due to his involvement with the failed separation bill. One of Russ’ last achievements as principal was the start of construction of the building now known as Whitesitt Hall.

The 1911-1912 school year began with the inauguration of the second principal, George Myers. During Myers’ short time as principal, his greatest accomplishment was the reorganization of the school’s curriculum to be a four-year course, allowing all graduates to hold a degree. Myers was dismissed of his position in 1913 when the newly appointed Board of Administration, which took place of the normal school’s Board of Regents, separated the two schools and dismissed both Myers and Joseph Hill, the president of the State Normal School in Emporia, to give both schools a clean slate.

Members of the Student Army Training Corps Band in 1918.

In July 1913, The Board of Administration created the new office and title of President for the Kansas State Manual Training School, which would quickly be filled by William Brandenburg. This decade brought about the tragic Russ Fire in 1914 and the completion of Carney Hall, the new science hall, in 1919.

The fist student newspaper in 1910.